Hemorrhoids are very common and affect millions of individuals every day. Both men and women experience the discomfort and associated pain that accompanies external hemorrhoids. Dr. Murrell treats hundreds of patients per year with the latest and non-invasive techniques. He is determined to provide the best external hemorrhoid treatment Los Angeles and Beverly Hills have to offer.
What are External Hemorrhoids?
External hemorrhoids are enlarged veins that are located underneath the skin around the anus.
These veins become enlarged due to increased pressure in the pelvic and rectal area forcing blood to pool which results in swelling.
Symptoms of External Hemorrhoids
External hemorrhoids have the potential to be the most painful form of hemorrhoids. Sitting and even walking can be a painful chore to someone with this condition. With cutting-edge techniques and state-of-the-art equipment, Dr. Murrell delivers some of the best external hemorrhoid treatment Los Angeles has available. These are the most common symptoms:
- Rectal bleeding. You might notice blood on the toilet paper, in the toilet bowl or on the stool
- Swelling of the anus
- Itching of the anus
- Pain of the anus
- A lump near your anus, this might be sensitive and painful
- Leakage of feces
If you feel or observe any of these symptoms, contact Dr. Murrell right away. Early detection with a colonoscopy and treatment is the key to quick recovery and handling. Dr. Murrell has been voted Top Doctor for Colon and Rectal Surgeries in 2015. He received this award by providing some of the best external hemorrhoid treatment Beverly Hills has available.

External Hemorrhoid Treatment
The treatment for external hemorrhoids varies depending on your individual case. Dr. Murrell will work with you to determine the best procedure for an outstanding outcome.
- Sclerotherapy. This involves injecting a medication to the hemorrhoid that restricts blood flow and effectively shrinking the hemorrhoid.
- Rubber Band Ligation. In this procedure, the hemorrhoid is tied at the base with rubber bands, which cuts off the blood flow to the hemorrhoid and thereby shrinking it.
- Coagulation therapy. Dr. Murrell uses a devise that emits a beam of infrared light to the base of the hemorrhoid. The heat from the light causes scars to form which cuts off the blood flow to the hemorrhoid, and then destroys it.
- Hemorrhoidopexy. Also known as Hemorrhoid Stapling. This is another surgical procedure involving a precise instrument that removes the excess skin of the hemorrhoid then sutures closed the site of the skin removal.
- Hemorrhoidectomy. This is removal of the hemorrhoid by surgery.
- Transanal Hemorrhoidal Dearterialization (THD). This is a less invasive and less traumatic approach to hemorrhoid treatment. Dr. Murrell will locate the hemorrhoid using an ultrasound and then tie off the hemorrhoid using ligation. In the THD procedure there is no excision or cutting of any tissue, which means minimal pain and discomfort for you.
Schedule a Consultation
If you are experiencing any of the symptoms of external hemorrhoids contact our office today. Dr. Murrell will give you a private consultation with all of your treatment options and will help you decide which treatment is right for you. Dr. Murrell provides some of the best external hemorrhoid treatment Los Angeles and Beverly Hills have to offer and is here to help you.