Hemorrhoids are common and affect both male and female adults. Usually the condition is not life threatening but it is uncomfortable, painful and can seriously affect your quality of life. Dr. Murrell is a board-certified Proctologist delivering the premier internal hemorrhoid treatment Los Angeles and Beverly Hills have to offer. Suffering from hemorrhoids is unnecessary and Dr. Murrell can provide relief in the form of state-of-the-art treatment.

Symptoms of Internal Hemorrhoids
Internal hemorrhoids can become so severe that the pain and discomfort they cause can become unmistakable. Detecting this condition early on and receiving treatment by Dr. Murrell can prevent unnecessary pain and worry. Learn these symptoms so you can help detect this condition:
- Rectal bleeding. There can be bright red blood on the toilet paper, in the toilet bowl or on the stool itself.
- Itching. Internal hemorrhoids can drain mucus, which irritates the skin in the anus and causes itching.
- Intestinal discomfort. When you have just passed a bowel movement and feel the sensation of needing to again immediately afterwards, this is a sign of internal hemorrhoids. The hemorrhoids pressing onto each other in the anal canal cause this feeling.
- Irritated skin. When internal hemorrhoids become so large as to bulge out of the anus they can secrete mucus, which causes irritation.
- Painful rectum. The majority of internal hemorrhoids are not painful. But in severe cases, they become large enough to be constricted by the anal muscles. Severe pain may mean that the blood supply to the area is being blocked or cut off. If this is the case emergency treatment is needed.
If you notice or observe any of these symptoms, contact Dr. Murrell right away. Early detection and treatment is the key to quick recovery and handling. Dr. Murrell has been voted Top Doctor for Colon and Rectal Surgeries in 2015. He received this award by providing some of the best internal hemorrhoid treatment Los Angeles has available. So, if you are looking for a colorectal surgeon in Los Angeles that you can depend on, you can count on Dr. Murrell.
Surgical Solutions
- Hemorrhoidectomy. This is removal of the hemorrhoid by surgery.
- Hemorrhoidopexy. Also known as Hemorrhoid Stapling. This is another surgical procedure involving a precise instrument that removes the excess skin of the hemorrhoid then sutures closed the site of the skin removal.
State of the Art Treatment
Dr. Murrell specializes in Transanal Hemorrhoidal Dearterialization (THD). This is a less invasive and less traumatic approach to hemorrhoid treatment. He will locate the hemorrhoid using ultrasound and tie off the hemorrhoid using ligation. In the THD procedure there is no excision or cutting of any tissue, which means minimal pain and discomfort for you.

Schedule a Consultation
If you are experiencing any of the symptoms of internal hemorrhoids or know that you have a situation to be handled, contact our office today. Dr. Murrell will give you a one-on-one private consultation with all your treatment options to help you make the best decision on the treatment that is right for you. Dr. Murrell provides some of the best internal hemorrhoid treatment Los Angeles and Beverly Hills have to offer and is here for you.